ELEVEN WEEKLY MEETINGS>> All meeting times are Mountain Time zone. < <
Example: 7 pm Mountain = 9 pm Eastern, 8 pm Central or 6 pm Pacific |
By Day
Sun - 5:30 pm
Tues - 7:00 and 7:15 pm Weds - 5:30 Thurs - 6:00 and 7:00 pm Fri - 1:30, 6:30 pm Sat - 10 am, 5 pm |
By CityAlbuquerque
- Tuesday 7 pm - Tuesday 7:15 pm Effective 3/21/2023 - Thursday 7 pm Zoom - Friday 6:30 pm In-person only - Saturday 5 pm Telephone Santa Fe - Sunday 5:30 pm In-person & Zoom - Wednesday 5:30 pm In-person & Zoom - Thursday 6:00 pm In-person & Zoom - Friday 1:30 pm In-person & Zoom - Saturday 10:00 am In-person & Zoom |
By Special InterestMen Only - Weds 5:30 - Fri 6:30 Telephone only Women Only – Sat 5pm |
Sunday 5:30 pm Serenity Sunday (SF)
FWS ID # 27621354 Unitarian Universalist Church Library 107 W. Barcelona Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 Parking available - Or - Also available by One-click Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84168487810?pwd=a0VJVU9rcGx1M0M2K1l5YmNNS0tyZz09 Zoom Meeting ID: 841 6848 7810 Pswd: Recovery22 Tues 7:00 pm Building Better Boundaries (ABQ) FWS ID # 27621458 (Zoom only) Varied topics using SLAA Core Documents: Week 1: Step Week 2: 12 Promises Week 3: 12 Characteristics of Sex and Love Addiction Week 4: Speaker Meeting Week 5: Sober Dating << New topic! One-click Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/637411773?pwd=VFNKUGRBNUYxTW4wb2VsQ2R1ZmpOUT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 637-411-773, Passcode: 401790 Tues 7:15 pm New time! Tools of Recovery (ABQ) FWS ID # 27621354 (In-Person only) The Heights Club 8520 Marble Ave. Albuquerque, NM 87110 Weds 5:30 pm Men's Group (SF) DeVargas Mall Community Room 564 N. Guadalupe St., Santa Fe, NM 87501 Also online at One-click Zoom link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2243176404?pwd=QmlwSjZSVGpGTkxhR3ZZWVR0SWlFdz09 Thurs 6:00 pm Thursday Tranquility (SF) FWS #27621234 Unitarian Universalist Church Fellowship Hall 107 W. Barcelona Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 Parking available Also available by One-click Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81523318159?pwd=SW92WE9LZ3BHbWdaWkk5RndidTlSdz09 Zoom Meeting ID: 815 2331 8159 Passcode: 12&12 NOTE: NO MEETING ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 28, 2024 (Thanksgiving) Thurs 7:00 pm Building Better Boundaries (ABQ) FWS ID # 27621458 (Zoom only) Varied topics using SLAA Core Documents: Week 1: 12 Characteristics of Sex & Love Addiction Week 2: 12 Signs of Recovery Week 3: 12 Healthy Transformations for Relationships << New Topic! Week 4: Anorexia Week 5: Healthy Relationships << New Topic! One-click Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/667545892?pwd=UEZYc0w4UzlTYlNXQTU0RzNKdDBJQT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 667-545-892, Passcode: 401790 Friday 1:30 pm Santa Fe 12 & 12 (SF) FWS ID # 27623385 Unitarian Universalist Church Fellowship Hall 107 W. Barcelona Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 - Or - Also available by One-click Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88412077274?pwd=cDcvZXN2SytTMTRIZStUM3dobk50QT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 884 1207 7274, Passcode: Recovery22 Friday 6:30 pm Men's Meeting (ABQ) FWS ID # 27621457 (Telephone only) Dial-in: (978) 990-5000 Access Code: 282284# Saturday 10:00 am Starting Right (SF) FWS # 27621456 Unitarian Universalist Church Fellowship Hall 107 W. Barcelona Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 Parking available - Or - Also available by One-click Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87353587009?pwd=YVFJdlZrN0gzV0JmTlBhVVR3SHNWdz09 Zoom meeting ID: 873 5358 7009 Passcode: Traditions Saturday 5pm Women's Meeting (ABQ) (5pm Mountain Time MST) FWS ID # 27621460 (Teleconference) To participate by regular phone or cell: Call (978) 990-5000 At prompt enter meeting ID 623801, then # |
(ABQ) - Mtg originates from Albuquerque
(SF) - Mtg orginates from Santa Fe |